General Policies
Locks and Lockers
School lockers are school district property and are subject to searches by administration at any time. Each student is assigned a locker and is responsible for the contents and conditions of that locker. Some general guidelines that we encourage students to follow in regards to locks and lockers are:
- keep lockers locked at all times
- keep lockers neat and tidy
- do not disclose lock combinations to anyone
- students are responsible for any damage to their locker
Personal Property
Students should not bring unnecessary items, valuables, or large amounts of money to school. The school cannot be responsible for theft. Students are urged to safeguard their valuables by keeping them on their person. Students are urged to NOT give their locker combination to any other student or leave anything of value unlocked in the gym change rooms.
All equipment, books, sports clothing and other school items should be marked with the student’s name. If an item is lost, students should immediately report the loss to their teacher and check the “Lost and Found”.
Student Telephone
The school phones are for school business and emergency use only. A free telephone is available for student use during times when classes are not in session. Calls should be as brief as possible and should be business-like in nature. Students are unable to make long distance calls from this phone so please make other arrangement for your student to contact you.
Fire Drills/Emergency Lock Down Procedures
Our school takes part in fire drills at least six times throughout the school year. If you are in the building during one of our fire drills, please make sure that you vacate the building through the nearest exit. In addition to fire drill practices, our school will take part in a number of “Lock Down” procedures throughout the year.
Medical Alerts
If a student has any medical condition that the school should know about, parent/guardians should contact the school.